We have the best minecraft servers

Our Minecraft Server Plans


FREE / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£2.25 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£3 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£3.75 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£4.50 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£5.25 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£6 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£6.75 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£7.50 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£8.25 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£9 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£9.75 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£10.50 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£11.25 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£12 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£15 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£18.75 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£24 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£1.20 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£2.20 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£3.80 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£5.90 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£8.00 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
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£12 / monthly

  • 4.4 Ghz CPU Clock Speed
  • NVMe SSD Storage
  • Pterodactyl Panel
  • Support 24/7
Order now

Easy to use control panel

We are offering a clean and easy control panel for our game hosting, with all the feature you need.

  • SFTP login
  • Browser file management
  • Subuser login
  • Create databases
  • Restart your server
  • Console input

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! Upgrade/downgrade your server at any time and pay onlt the difference at a prorated amount. Upgrades can be done automatically in the client area.
Use a SFTP client like filzilla and use the info on the setings page of the panel to login if need more help open a ticket.
You can 100% use mods on your server make sure you have the right plan to run them for minecrfat we recoment 5-32GB depending on what you whant to run.
Go to users on panel and put in their email and permisions then make a ticket so we can give them a password to login to panel.
If you delete your files on accident check if you created a backup if not make a ticket and we will see if we can get a root backup.
Download the files or backup then un archive it on your pc then make a zip file and upload it using SFTP depending on size of file then unarchive in panel if need help open a ticket.

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Ready to Get Started?

The servers are booted, select your plan and become our latest satisfied client.